I think that transantiago is better than pre-transantiago system in important things like the relationship with students I mean between drivers and students because all we know that drivers were very rude sometimes also they get out student on the bus so you will never know whats gonna happen. And now the situation is totally different you get in on the bus pass your bip card and its done!. Another advantage of transantiago system it’s the information of route wich is available on internet, bus stop, news, etc. In contrast with pre-transantiago system where you had to ask to sales man, people around and thing like that to know the route, was very annoying! In addition its very save that drivers don’t have money like before where were the favourites of thieves.
Now about my entire experience in the beginning was a little funny because you can got in the bus for free like a “test time” and then when was university time was a veryyy slow system; the bus came every hours or sometimes came 2 bus together and things like that but with time the frecuency got better and I`m very happy with the new system because if wasn’t for this I had not bus from my house and I had to take underground and I hate it .
Althought there are a few things that can make better the system like a functional security system or GPS for the bus, and things for the security of drivers and users!


Cami said...

Hello Cynthia!

I agree with the treatment with the students too in Transantiago, before was very very unpleasant.
I agree too with the tings to improve the system.

Happy holidays!

Dani Miranda said...

Hi Cynthia:

I think The worst is when you wait so much time and then arrive two buses... even 3!!

Bye.. see you!

Miss said...

I think that transantiago is better than pre-transantiago system in important things like the relationship with students I mean between drivers and students because all we know that drivers were very rude sometimes also they get out student on the bus so you will never know whats gonna happen. And now the situation is totally different you get WW in on the bus pass your bip card and its done!. Another advantage of transantiago system it’s the information of route SP wich is available on internet, bus stop, news, etc. In contrast with pre-transantiago system where you had to ask to sales man, people around and thing like that to know the route, was very annoying! In addition its very WW save that drivers don’t have money like before where were the favourites of thieves.
Now about my entire experience in the beginning was a little funny because you can WF got in the bus for free like a “test time” and then when was university time was a veryyy slow system; the bus came every hours or sometimes came 2 WF bus together and things like that but with time the frecuency got better and I`m very happy with the new system because if wasn’t for this I had not bus from my house and I had to take underground and I hate it .
SP Althought there are a few things that can make WO better the system like a functional security system or GPS for the bus, and things for the security of drivers and users!


good! much better
p.s. you got a 6

Cynthia valdivia said...

I think that transantiago is better than pre-transantiago system in important things like the relationship with students I mean between drivers and students because all we know that drivers were very rude sometimes also they get out student on the bus so you will never know whats gonna happen. And now the situation is totally different you get on the bus pass your bip card and its done!. Another advantage of transantiago system it’s the information of route which is available on internet, bus stop, news, etc. In contrast with pre-transantiago system where you had to ask to sales man, people around and thing like that to know the route, was very annoying! In addition its very safe that drivers don’t have money like before where were the favourites of thieves.
Now about my entire experience in the beginning was a little funny because you can get in the bus for free like a “test time” and then when was university time was a veryyy slow system; the bus came every hours or sometimes came 2 WF bus together and things like that but with time the frecuency got better and I`m very happy with the new system because if wasn’t for this I had not bus from my house and I had to take underground and I hate it .
Although there are a few things that can make the system better like a functional security system or GPS for the bus, and things for the security of drivers and users!


good! much better
p.s. you got a 6

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