Improving your faculty facilities

Session 8 : about our lovely faculty

Well the current situation in my faculty has advantages and disadvantages, overall we love it so much because its like a second home. But you can see that some of the facilities are really old, other have been fixed and some are new. Obviously its imposible that everything be new because our faculty was build it many years ago, for that the name of “traditional university” and this experience give us the guarantee of education of quality.
There are many thing which need improvement but I think that the most important is the fence, because in some places its broke and even exist and this can cause problems with animals and robbery.
So I think that the first step would be spend some money in this facilities, so this way you can have more control over animals and avoid robberies,could also improve surveillance and putting electric fences around the perimeter of our faculty.This idea is a measure of short-term control with immediate results.

You can improve communication between our faculty and Agronomy, creating a safe corridor and available all year. Because what exists now is horrible and shows a lack of concern of the authorities.
Also much needed is a traffic light and a bus stop to get to our faculty and its now very dangerous and sometimes the buses do not stop here, and for crossing the street you have to wait for some car stops.

And “el casino de santis” should improve in quality, price and attention. As we all know that is very expensive, bad food and service is slow.

there are many things to improve, but with time and determination everything its possible


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