Self Evaluation of my academic year

Session 10

Topic Essay : Self Evaluation of my academic year

This year that everybody talks about politics and who will be the next President, for us (the students) was more calm than for the politicians because it was a ordered year in relation to dates or schedule, because we must remember that there was no strike of the students, thanks god for that we had winter break and now we are finishing classes for the summer holidays begin ¡ finally!. For this things I felt like a year shorter in comparison with the previous ones, because since I'm going to this university that are strikes every year and it was awful for us because we had exams even in Christmas.

when we have a shorter year we feel less tired and can study more and have more energy to do other activities.

In academic term in relation to qualifications, I must say that was a year of good grades, I learned a lot, I also had practical activities of Surgery, which I loved!
All this makes the desire for my profession grows, although many times I have free time and a lot of studying. But to increase the love and the desire to be a veterinarian adding more interesting subjects, makes all my effort is rewarded with a goal of being a professional in the future.

I also think that was a quiet year because I didn`t make any extra test ( "recuperative test) so the year appears to be shorter and I had more free time and the experience is useful for the next years of college.
Although if you ask me, I think the first year of college is very difficult, because its difficult to adapt to all the new things. Obviously now the subjects are more interesting than first year. Also you know your method of study most comfortable thing that helps a lot.

As a result this year was quite personal growth, personal support, increased my knowledge. Then it gives me the results I'm looking to pass my subjects. Then at same time I think this year at the university defines if you like it or not (the profession), then many people and friends leave the faculty, its very sad!. Finally I consider this year as well and I like that the next few will be like this one or better!.


Miss said...

ession 9 : Challenges in your discipline

Our discipline through several challenges, but actually I think the most important is the large number of veterinarians that exist today in our country, this high supply of professionals makes our salaries are lower and the market is saturated of profesionla like us. So I think a possible solution is WF try to specialize in one area so you can give added value to our profession. Also consider the penalties for illegal practice of the profession which affects all of us, that is seen in media such as SP televisión.

About education the goverment should control the quality of education at all universities in the country, in order to ensure the professional quality. If there are more requirements for our profession would create new filters for future new profesionals.

In terms of technology our profession is closely linked to it so we as veterinarians must stay current on technology and never stop studying, though its expensive to access technology in our country, we must always keep us informed, therefore we must accept the challenge of always being connected to technology. For example in small animals medicine and horses; radiographs are very important and ultrasound to determine pregnancy in animals expensive as thoroughbred horses race, chemotherapy is also used in cancer treatment, these procedures depends on machinery and technology.

In social matters as veterinarians, we must WW combat ignorance in relation to our profession, the environment, animals feelings, responsible ownership of animals, etc. ^ Can be solved with more information in schools and talks. For people to see the animals and the environment as we do, a global way to see the relationship between animals-humans-environment. Also help people to know our profession and its field of work so they would not detract and appreciate our advice.

Therefore our profession is facing many challenges and lack of knowledge about us, which with help of a good education that gives us the tools to be excellent professionals and contribute to our growth experience and information to people benefits, and again we as professionals and contribute to a better future as a country.

good points! you're actually facing lots of new challenges.
well done
p.s. you got a 6.3
5:14 PM | Labels: Challenges in your discipline | 1 Comments

Miss said...

Session 8 : about our lovely faculty

Well the current situation in my faculty has advantages and disadvantages, overall we love it so much because its like a second home. But you can see that some of the facilities are really old, other have been fixed and some are new. Obviously its imposible that everything be new because our faculty was build it many years ago, for that the name of “traditional university” and this experience SVA give us the guarantee of education of quality.
There are many WF thing which need improvement but I think that the most important is the fence, because in some places its WF broke and even exist and this can cause problems with animals and robbery.
So I think that the first step would be spend some money in this facilities, so this way you can have more control over animals and avoid robberies,could also improve surveillance and putting electric fences around the perimeter of our faculty.This idea is a measure of short-term control with immediate results.

You can improve communication between our faculty and Agronomy, creating a safe corridor and available all year. Because what exists now is horrible and shows a lack of concern of the authorities.
Also much ? needed is a traffic light and a bus stop to get to our faculty and its now very dangerous and sometimes the buses do not stop here, and for crossing the street you have to wait for some car stops.

And “el casino de santis” should improve in quality, price and attention. As we all know that is very expensive, bad food and service is slow.

there are many things to improve, but with time and determination everything its possible

I think the worst is the bus stop, it's very dangerous!! hopefully this will change soon
p.s. you got a 6

Miss said...

Having a pet may be doing you more good than you think!!
The reasons given for having a pet are varied: some have older children and feel they can now manage a furry dependant; others think it will make the family happier (they've read that pets are good for mental health); and many have rosy childhood memories of throwing sticks for Fido in the park. Psychologists who have an interest in how humans interact with pets tend to have animals of their own. Elie Godsi, a Midland-based clinical psychologist, has had pets all his life.. "Having a pet is a great way to fill that void of emptiness we can all have." He says.
Even so, you can't help but notice that owners often humanise their furry friends. "I don't see a problem with that," Godsi says, "although I don't like dogs in sunglasses or coats. There's a hardline scientific idea that cats and dogs don't feel emotion, but anyone who has had a pet will tell you they are sentient beings."
When a pet dies, it can be devastating "It's a bereavement, make no mistake," Godsi says, "and it's a good way to help children make sense of death."
K. Doorbar, a psychologist, believes that pets can give people something to live for: "It's important to have something living in your home. You need someone to comfort you, sit with you and listen for you."
Therefore a pet only benefit, you must have a pet!!

Summary of "animal magic" Dr luisa Dillner

interesting and quite true! Well i hate people who put boots or shoes to their pets!
more connection between paragraphs ok?
7:48 PM | Labels: Animal magic | 1 Comments

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